.cd4pe.yaml file structure

When managing your pipelines with code, pipeline definitions are expressed in a structured format and stored in a .cd4pe.yaml file that is stored in your control repo or module repo.

Your .cd4pe.yaml file must use this structure:

  • spec_version: The version of the pipelines-as-code file specification you've used to write this YAML file. Currently, only one specification version, v1, is available.
  • config: Pipeline configuration settings for the control repo or module repo as a whole.
  • pipelines: The names of pipelines you're creating, either the branch name (for fixed-branch pipelines) or the naming convention (for regex branch pipelines). Nested under each named pipeline are:
    • triggers: What source control activities the pipeline listens for.
    • stages: Parts of the pipeline. Each stage includes:
      • name: The stage's name.
      • auto_promote: The promotion condition that determines if and how the pipeline proceeds to the next stage after completing steps in the current stage.
      • steps: Details about the exact work the pipeline performs in each stage, such as jobs and deployments. Each step must specify a type. Additional specifications depend on the type.

Go to .cd4pe.yaml file syntax for details about specific parameters and definitions. Go to .cd4pe.yaml file validation to learn how to check if your file is well formed.

Here's an example of a complete .cd4pe.yaml file for a control repo. This file describes a regex branch pipeline and a main branch pipeline. Notice the regex branch pipeline is identified by the feature branch naming convention, /feature_.*/.

spec_version: v1
  enable_pull_requests_from_forks: false
  deployment_policy_branch: production
  enable_pe_plans: true
      - pull_request
      - commit
      - name: "Lint/Parser validation"
        auto_promote: all_succeeded
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-template-syntax-validate
      - name: "Deploy feature environment"
          - type: deployment
            pe_server: cdpe-delivery
            policy: feature_branch
      - pull_request
      - commit
      - name: "Lint/Parser validation"
        auto_promote: all_succeeded
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-template-syntax-validate
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-hiera-syntax-validate
          - type: job
            name: control-repo-manifest-validate
      - name: "Impact Analysis"
        auto_promote: any_succeeded
          - type: impact_analysis
            concurrent_compilations: 10
              - "Direct merge to Production"
              - "my custom deploy 1"
          - type: pull_request_gate
      - name: "Deploy to lower UAT"
        auto_promote: false
          - type: deployment
            policy: direct_merge
            name: "Direct merge to Production"
              type: node_group
              node_group_id:   fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
            pe_server: cdpe-delivery
              stop_if_nodes_fail: 10
              noop: false
              timeout: 60
          - type: deployment
            name: "my custom deploy 1"
              source: control-repo
              name: deployments::canary
              type: node_group
              node_group_id: fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
            pe_server: cdpe-delivery
              noop: true
              max_node_failure: 50
              canary_size: 4

Using a .cd4pe.yaml file with a module

A .cd4pe.yaml file for a module is almost identical to one for a control repo, with these exceptions:

  • If the module pipeline includes an impact analysis step, you must include a pointer to the control repo used in the deployment associated with the impact analysis task.
  • If the .cd4pe.yaml file includes a regex branch pipeline using the Feature branch deployment policy, the deployment step must include the name of the control repo associated with the module and the name of the control repo branch on which to base the feature branches Continuous Delivery creates.

Here's an example of a complete .cd4pe.yaml file for a for a module with an impact analysis step. Notice, at the end of the pipeline, the target parameter for the type: deployment step includes a control_repo pointer for the impact analysis task.

spec_version: v1
  enable_pull_requests_from_forks: false
      - commit
      - name: "Impact analysis"
        auto_promote: false
        - type: impact_analysis
            - "Deployment to staging-rustler-1"
          concurrent_compilations: 10
          all_deployments: false
      - name: "Deployment to staging"
          - type: deployment
            name: "Deployment to staging-rustler-1"
              name: eventual_consistency
            timeout: 3600000
            concurrent_compilations: 0
            all_deployments: false
            pe_server: pe-github
              type: node_group
              node_group_id: 250fd263-8456-4114-b559-9c6d9fa27748
              control_repo: cdpe-code-rustler-app-2020

Here's an example of a module's regex branch pipeline using the feature branch deployment policy. The pipeline's name is the feature branch naming convention. At the end of the pipeline, the control_repo and base_feature_branch parameters in the type: deployment step are required for this type of pipeline. These parameters specify which control repo is associated with this module and which branch of that control repo is used to create feature branches when this pipeline is triggered.

spec_version: v1
  enable_pull_requests_from_forks: false
      - commit
      - name: "Validation stage"
        auto_promote: any_completed
          - type: job
            name: "module-pdk-validate"
      - name: "Feature branch deployment stage"
        auto_promote: false
          - type: deployment
            name: "Deployment to hot-dog-prod-2"
              name: "cd4pe_deployments::feature_branch"
            all_deployments: false
            pe_server: "hot-dog-prod-2"
            control_repo: "cc-hot-dog-app"
            base_feature_branch: "production"

.cd4pe.yaml file validation

Every time you commit a change to a .cd4pe.yaml file in your control repo or module repo, Continuous Delivery uses the YAML code to render the pipelines' definitions in the web UI. Before committing changes to your repos, use the Continuous Delivery validation tool to make suer your YAML code is well-formed.

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, go to a control repo or module where you're managing pipelines with code.
  2. At the top of the Pipelines section, click Manage pipelines.
  3. Select Manage as code. Continuous Delivery displays your current pipelines in YAML format.
  4. Update the code in the window with the changes you wish to make. Alternatively, you can delete the contents of the window and paste in code you've written elsewhere.
  5. To check the syntax of your code, click Validate.
    • If your syntax is invalid, an error message about the location of the issue appears.
    • If your syntax is valid, Copy to clipboard is activated.
  6. Once your changes are complete and successfully validated, copy them into the .cd4pe.yaml file in your source control or module and commit your change.

.cd4pe.yaml file syntax

Your .cd4pe.yaml file must be formatted properly.

Spec version

Every .cd4pe.yaml file begins with a spec_version declaration expressed as v<VERSION_NUMBER>. This sets the version of the Continuous Delivery pipelines-as-code specification used to write the file.

As there is only one version of the Continuous Delivery pipelines-as-code specification, your file must begin with:

spec_version: v1


The config section of the .cd4pe.yaml file defines global pipeline configuration settings for all pipelines for the control or module repo where the file is stored. You can use these keys in the config section:

config key Description Value Default
enable_pull_requests_from_forks Controls whether the repo's pipelines can be triggered by pull requests from forks Boolean false
deployment_policy_branch (Optional) Specifies a branch where custom deployment policies are kept. If custom deployment policies exist on the specified branch, you can use them when building pipelines. A branch name, as a string N/A
enable_pe_plans (Optional) Controls whether Bolt tasks can be included in custom deployment policies used in this repo's pipelines. Boolean true

For example, this config section is for a control repo. It allows pull requests from forks and serves custom deployment policies from the production branch:

  enable_pull_requests_from_forks: true
  deployment_policy_branch: production
  enable_pe_plans: true


The pipelines section names each pipeline you're creating for a control repo or module. It requires key/value pairs where each key corresponds to a pipeline and the values are triggers, stages, and other pipeline contents. The key must use either a specific branch's name or a regular expression (for regex branch pipelines).

Only one regular expression (regex) entry is allowed for each control/module repo.
If the pipeline is using a specific branch name, the branch chosen to run the pipeline must not be used as a deployment target in a deployment stage for that pipeline. This limitation does not apply to regex pipelines using the Feature branch deployment policy.

For example, this skeleton pipelines section has two pipelines. The first pipeline is for the repo's main branch, whereas the second is a regex branch pipeline that applies to any branches whose names start with feature_. Notice the regex branch pipeline's key is the full regular expression surrounded by forward slashes.



Here is the same pipelines section with triggers, stages, and steps in each stage (each of these components are explained below):

  	- pull_request
  	- commit
  	- name: "Deploy to production"
    	auto_promote: all_succeeded
             - type: deployment
        	policy: cd4pe_deployments::direct
        	name: "Direct merge to Production"
          	  type: node_group
          	  node_group_id:   fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
        	pe_server: cdpe-delivery
          	  stop_if_nodes_fail: 10
          	  noop: false

  	- pull_request
  	- commit
  	- name: "Lint/Parser validation"
    	auto_promote: all_succeeded
             - type: job
               name: control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate


Each pipeline must have a triggers section that specifies the events in your source control system that start the pipeline.

The only allowed values are pull_request and commit. You can set either or both of these values. If no value is set, the pipeline does not run unless triggered manually. For example, this main branch pipeline is triggered by both pull requests and commits:

  	- pull_request
  	- commit

If you want your pipelines to be triggered by pull requests from forks, you must specify this in the config section.


Each pipeline must have a stages section.

The stages section accepts an array where each item is a stage in the pipeline. Each stage has a name, instructions about when and whether to auto-promote to the next stage in the pipeline, and a list of steps to be executed in parallel.

The name key is the stage's name. It accepts a string in quotes, and the default value is "Stage <STAGE_NUMBER>".

The auto_promote key provides instructions on when and if you want the pipeline to automatically proceed to the next stage. It accepts one of the following values:

  • false: Requires manual promotion. The pipeline does not auto-promote.
  • all_succeeded: Auto-promote only if all steps succeed. This is the default value.
  • any_succeeded: Auto-promote if any step succeeds.
  • all_completed: Auto-promote only if all steps complete (succeed or fail) and no steps are canceled.
  • any_completed: Auto-promote if any step completes (succeeds or fails). Does not promote if all steps are canceled.


Each stage must have at least one step. A step defines a particular job to be performed in a pipeline stage.

All steps run concurrently, so the order of steps in a stage doesn't matter. If you need certain steps to occur after others, use stages to separate them.

Every step is defined using a hash of key/value pairs. The type key is always required. Requirements for other keys depend on the step's type. The type key accepts these values:

  • job: Specify a job available in the workspace where this pipeline exists.
  • pull_request_gate: A conditional checkpoint that forcefully pauses the pipeline if the pipeline was triggered by a pull request. If the pipeline was triggered by a commit, the pipeline continues beyond the pull request gate.
  • impact_analysis: Reports the potential impact the code change might have on nodes and configurations in deployments defined later in the pipeline.
  • deployment: A Puppet code deployment.

For type: job steps: You must specify the job name as listed on the workspace's Jobs page in the web UI. For example, this step uses a job called control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate:

  - type: job
    name: control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate

For type: pull_request_gate steps: No additional keys are needed or available. To add a pull request gate to your pipeline, add this code to the steps:

  - type: pull_request_gate

For type: impact_analysis steps: There are three requirements. First, you must use one of these keys to specify deployments for which you want to access the potential impact:

  • all_deployments: Assess the impact to all deployments in the pipeline. This key accepts a Boolean value, and the default value is false.
  • deployments: List specific deployments you want to assess. Specify an array of strings where each item is the name of a deployment in your pipeline definition.
  • percentage_node_filter: Run impact analysis on a percentage of nodes impacted by the incoming changes. This key accepts floating point values between 1 to 100 inclusive.

In addition to specifying deployments to assess, the pipeline must include a type: deployment step, and you must set the control repo key on the deployment associated with the impact analysis step. For more information, refer to the information about type: deployment and the target key at the end of this page.

You can also set these optional keys on the type: impact_analysis step:

  • concurrent_compilations: How many catalog compilations to perform at the same time. The default value is 10.
    If your compilers are hitting capacity when performing an impact analysis, lower this number. However, lowering this number increases the impact analysis run time.
  • puppetdb_connection_timeout_sec: The timeout period (in seconds) for requests to PuppetDB during an impact analysis task. The default value is 120.

The following example illustrates one impact analysis step that runs 10 compilations at a time on two specific deployments, and a second impact analysis step that runs on all deployments and times out PuppetDB requests after three minutes:

  - type: impact_analysis
    concurrent_compilations: 10
      - "Direct merge to Production"
      - "My PCI deployment"
  - type: impact_analysis
    all_deployments: true
    puppetdb_connection_timeout_sec: 180

For type: deployment steps: Specify these required keys:

  • policy: The deployment policy used. For built-in deployment policies, provide one of the following policy key-value pairs:
    • cd4pe_deployments::direct
    • cd4pe_deployments::eventual_consistency
    • cd4pe_deployments::feature_branch
    • cd4pe_deployments::rolling

    For custom deployment policies, provide a key-value pair defining the policy to be used.

    Do not include sensitive parameters in custom deployment policies used in pipelines managed with code.
  • name: The name, as a string in quotes, that you're giving to the deployment.
  • target: The infrastructure (node group) the deployment targets. Requires the type: node_group key and one or more node group IDs as key/value pairs. In a module pipeline with an impact analysis task, this also requires a control_repo key. More information about this key, including how to find node group IDs, is provided below.
    Do not use this key for deployments from regex branch pipelines.
  • pe_server: The name, as a string, of the PE instance the deployment targets. You must use the name shown in the Continuous Delivery web UI at Settings > Puppet Enterprise.

The parameters key is optional. It accepts key/value pairs specifying relevant parameters defined by the deployment policy. To find out which parameters the policy accepts, go to Built-in deployment policies or refer to the custom deployment policy’s documentation.

For module regex branch pipelines using the feature branch deployment policy, you must also specify the contro_repo (the name, as a string, of the control repo a module is associated with) and the base_feature_branch (the name, as a string, of the control repo branch you want Continuous Delivery to use to create feature branches).

For example, this deployment step uses a built-in deployment policy:

  - type: deployment
    policy: cd4pe_deployments::direct
    name: "Direct merge to Production"
      type: node_group
      node_group_id:  fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
    pe_server: cdpe-delivery
      stop_if_nodes_fail: 10
      noop: false
      timeout: 60

This deployment step uses a custom deployment policy:

  - type: deployment
      name: deployments::custom_policy1
      source: name-of-control-repo
    name: "Direct merge to Production"
      type: node_group
      node_group_id:  fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
    pe_server: cdpe-delivery
      policy_parameter1: 10
      policy_parameter2: false

This deployment step belongs to a regex branch pipeline and uses the feature branch deployment policy:

  - type: deployment
      name: "cd4pe_deployments::feature_branch"
    name: "Deployment to hot-dog-prod-2"
      type: node_group
    pe_server: "hot-dog-prod-2"
    control_repo: "cc-hot-dog-app"
    base_feature_branch: "production"

The target key format depends on other characteristics of the pipeline, however; the target key is never used for deployments from regex branch pipelines.

When used for a module repo that does not include impact analysis or any control repo pipeline, the target key must include the type and node_group_id, such as:

      type: node_group
      node_group_id:  fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2

Presently, node_group is the only available type. To locate the node_group_id:

  1. In the PE console, click Node groups (or Classification in PE versions prior to 2019.8.1).
  2. Locate your target node group and click its name. A page with information about the node group opens.
  3. In the page URL, locate and copy the alphanumeric string that follows /groups/. This is your node group ID.

When used for a module pipeline that includes an impact analysis step, the target key must also include the control_repo (in addition to the type and node_group_id), such as:

      type: node_group
      node_group_id:  fcda068f-e499-44ef-81f2-255fc487b2e2
      control_repo:  cdpe-2018-1-pe-master-1-control

The control_repo value is the name of the control repo used in the deployment associated with the impact analysis task.