Test Puppet code with jobs

Jobs are fully customizable tests for your Puppet code. You can create a job that runs any sort of test you want, including module validation, linting, and more.

Before adding jobs to pipelines, make sure you Configure job hardware and install any additional software, such as Docker or Puppet Development Kit (PDK).

What is a job?

In Continuous Delivery, jobs test your Puppet code. You create and store jobs in the web UI, where you can run them on demand and add them to automated pipelines to run tests every time new code is committed to a repository.

Jobs are fully customizable and can be written to test any aspect of your code. Jobs can leverage Puppet Development Kit (PDK) and other testing tools created and maintained by the Puppet community, such as:

Where do jobs run?

Jobs run on designated nodes called job hardware. There are two job hardware types:

  • Global shared job hardware: These are job hardware servers configured in the root console and available to all workspaces in your Continuous Delivery installation.
  • Workspace hardware: These are job hardware servers configured in a specific workspace and available to members of that workspace, but not available to other workspaces.

For more information about setting up job hardware, go to Configure job hardware.

Be aware of any prerequisites or dependencies needed to run a job, and ensure your job hardware has the necessary software, operating systems, and other resources installed before attempting to run the job.

Global shared job hardware uses a shared container image set in the root console. The default image used for containerized jobs is puppet/puppet-dev-tools:4.x. You can find details on the available commands in the image documentation.

When configuring a job to run on workspace hardware, you can utilize this shared image or use environment variables in the job to overwrite the default image.

Related information

Add secrets to jobs

You can add secrets, such as tokens and certificates, to Continuous Delivery jobs. Jobs can use secrets when they run.

Before you begin:
You must create a job before you can add a secret. This could be one of the Pre-built jobs or a custom job, as demonstrated in the Sample containerized module jobs and Sample containerized control repo jobs.
Jobs with secrets require puppetlabs-cd4pe_jobs module version 1.6.0 or higher. You install this module when you Configure job hardware.

Secrets are limited to the job where you create them. If a secret is applicable to multiple jobs, you must add that secret to each relevant job.

When you run jobs that use secrets, you can see where jobs use secrets in the jobs' logs. Sensitive values are redacted.

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs.
  2. Locate the job you want to add a secret to and click Edit.
  3. Click Add secret.
  4. Enter a Name and (optional) Description for the secret.

    Secret names must be unique within each workspace and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. If you use a dash or space in a secret name, it is automatically converted to an underscore.

    Once you save a secret, you can't change its name. If you need to change a secret's name, you must delete and recreate it.

  5. Select the Secret Type, complete the remaining fields according to the secret type, and click Save.

    Once you save the secret, you can't see the information you put in these sensitive fields when you edit the secret.

  6. Continuous Delivery stores secrets at environment variables. After saving a secret, Continuous Delivery shows you the environment variable you can use to reference the secret in the code in the Job commands section.

    Example of partial job command code without a secret variable:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -k -s

    Example of partial job command code with a secret variable:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $CD4PE_SECRET_<SECRET_NAME>" -k -s

    Secrets with multiple values, such as username and password combinations, generate multiple environment variables. Make sure you use the correct environment variables at the correct locations in your code. You can click the secret's name on the Edit job page to see the secret's environment variable(s) at any time.

  7. Click Save changes when you are done adding secrets to the job and customizing the Job commands code.

Using a custom image to test Puppet 8

The puppet/puppet-dev-tools:4.x image that jobs use by default does not support testing modules with Puppet 8. To test with Puppet 8, create a custom job that uses the puppet/puppet-dev-tools:puppet8 image. This image contains PDK 3, Puppet 8, and Onceover 3.22. See the puppet-dev-tools readme for the full list of commands provided by the image.

To create a custom job using the Puppet 8 image:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs.
  2. Click New Job.
  3. Enter your job’s info, any commands you want to run, and any secrets you need.
  4. Select Run on <workspace> hardware and the Containerized hardware capability.
  5. Toggle the switch to run this job in a container and select Custom image.
  6. Specify puppet/puppet-dev-tools:puppet8 as the custom image name.
  7. Click Save Job.

This job is now available to add to the pipelines where you need to test code against Puppet 8.

Pre-built job reference

Use these job templates to set up containerized jobs for testing control repos and modules. These jobs run inside a container and require job hardware that has the Containerized capability.

Validate the syntax of a control repo's Puppetfile

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: control-repo-puppetfile-syntax-validate
    2. Description: Validate that a control repo’s Puppetfile is syntactically correct
    3. Job commands: rake -f /Rakefile r10k:syntax
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Validate the syntax of a control repo's Puppet templates

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: control-repo-template-syntax-validate
    2. Description: Validate that a control repo’s Puppet templates are syntactically correct.
    3. Job commands: rake -f /Rakefile syntax:templates
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Validate the syntax of a control repo's Hiera data

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: control-repo-hiera-syntax-validate
    2. Description: Validate that a control repo’s Hiera data is syntactically correct.
    3. Job commands: rake -f /Rakefile syntax:hiera
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Validate the syntax of a control repo's Puppet manifest code

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: control-repo-manifest-validate
    2. Description: Validate that a control repo’s Puppet manifest code is syntactically correct
    3. Job commands: rake -f /Rakefile syntax:manifests
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Validate the syntax of a module's Puppet manifest code

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: module-pdk-validate
    2. Description: Validate that a module’s Puppet manifest code is syntactically correct
    3. Job commands: pdk validate --parallel
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Run rspec-puppet unit tests on a module

To add this job to your Continuous Delivery instance:

  1. In the Continuous Delivery web UI, click Jobs > New job.
  2. Complete the fields:
    1. Name: module-rspec-puppet
    2. Description: Run rspec-puppet unit tests on a module
    3. Job commands: pdk test unit
    4. Where can this job run?: Select Run on <WORKSPACE_NAME> hardware
    5. Hardware capabilities: Select Containerized and click Apply
    6. Container configuration: Enable the Run this job in a container switch and select Default image (puppet/puppet-dev-tools)
  3. Click Save job.

Configure job hardware and ensure Docker or podman are installed before running this job.

Adjust the timeout period for jobs

In some circumstances, such as when working with large Git repositories, you may need to adjust the length of the job timeout period. Use the settings in this section to customize the job timeout period.

To configure timeout periods, edit the data/common.yaml file for the following settings:

  • Repo cache retrieval timeout (minutes): Sets the timeout period for a thread attempting to access a cached Git repository. The default is 28 minutes. Set to:
     repo_cache_retrieval_timeout_mins: <minutes>
  • Job HTTP read timeout (minutes): Sets the timeout period for a job connecting to an endpoint. The default is 29 minutes.
     job_http_read_timeout_mins: <minutes>
  • Job global timeout (minutes): Sets the global default timeout period for jobs. Once this time elapses, the job fails and a timeout message is printed to the log. The default is 30 minutes.
     job_global_timeout_mins: <minutes>
  • Bolt PCP read timeout (seconds): Sets the BoltPCP read timeout period. The default is 60 seconds.
     bolt_pcp_read_timeout_secs: <seconds>
    Jobs cannot proceed while file sync is running. If a file sync operation is not completed before the BoltPCP read timeout period elapses, the job fails. Increase the BoltPCP read timeout period to prevent these job failures.
To ensure useful error messages are printed to the logs, make sure that the value of Job global timeout is larger than the value of Job HTTP read timeout, and that both are larger than the value of Repo cache retrieval timeout.

Sample containerized module jobs

You can use these Continuous Delivery job templates as-is or customize them to your deployment's needs. To add jobs, go to Jobs > New job in the Continuous Delivery web UI.

When configuring jobs that are not containerized, you can use the $REPO_DIR environment variable to reference the directory containing the relevant module repo.
You can Add secrets to jobs after you create them.

Puppet Development Kit validation tests

These jobs validate module code against Puppet Development Kit (PDK). Use the configuration for your operating system.

For Linux:

  • Job name: module-pdk-validate-linux
  • Description: Validate via PDK
  • Job commands: pdk validate
  • Hardware capabilities: Linux

For Windows:

  • Job name: module-pdk-validate-windows
  • Description: Validate via PDK
  • Job commands: powershell.exe -c "pdk validate"
  • Hardware capabilities: Windows

To use these jobs you must Install PDK and install puppet-agent on the job hardware.

Puppet Development Kit rspec-puppet tests

These jobs run unit tests on your module code with rspec-puppet. Use the configuration for your operating system.

For Linux:

  • Job name: module-pdk-test-unit-linux
  • Description: Run unit tests via PDK
  • Job commands: pdk test unit
  • Hardware capabilities: Linux

For Windows:

  • Job name: module-pdk-test-unit-windows
  • Description: Run unit tests via PDK
  • Job commands: powershell.exe -c "pdk test unit"
  • Hardware capabilities: Windows

To use these jobs you must Install PDK and install puppet-agent on the job hardware.

Sample containerized control repo jobs

You can use these Continuous Delivery job templates as-is or customize them to your deployment's needs. To add jobs, go to Jobs > New job in the Continuous Delivery web UI.

When configuring jobs that are not containerized, you can use the $REPO_DIR environment variable to reference the directory containing the relevant module repo.
You can Add secrets to jobs after you create them.

Syntax validation

This job validates the syntax of everything in your control repo.

To use this job you must use a *nix host and install puppet-agent on the job hardware.

  • Job name: control-repo-validate-linux
  • Description: Validate syntax
  • Hardware capabilities: Linux
  • Job commands:
    shopt -s globstar nullglob
    green="$(tput setaf 2)"
    red="$(tput setaf 1)"
    reset="$(tput sgr0)"
    for f in **/**pp; do
       [[ $f =~ plans/ ]] && continue
       if puppet parser validate "$f"; then
          echo "${green}SUCCESS: $f${reset}"
          echo "${red}FAILED: $f${reset}"
    if (( ${#failures[@]} > 0 )); then
       echo "${red}Syntax validation on the Control Repo has failed in the following manifests:"
       echo -e "\t ${failures[@]}${reset}"
       exit 1
       echo "${green}Syntax validation on the Control Repo has succeeded.${reset}"

Puppet linter

This job checks the Puppet code in your control repo for programming and stylistic errors.

To use this job you must use a *nix host and install puppet-agent on the job hardware.

  • Job name: control-repo-lint-linux
  • Description: Lint Puppet code
  • Hardware capabilities: Linux
  • Job commands:
    shopt -s globstar nullglob
    green="$(tput setaf 2)"
    red="$(tput setaf 1)"
    reset="$(tput sgr0)"
    sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install puppet-lint || {
       echo "${red}Failed to install puppet-lint gem"
       exit 2
    LINT_OPTS=("--fail-on-warnings" "--no-documentation-check" "--no-140chars-check" "--no-autoloader_layout-check" "--no-class_inherits_from_params_class-check")
    for f in **/**pp; do
       [[ $f =~ plans/ ]] && continue
       if /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet-lint "${LINT_OPTS[@]}" "$f"; then
          echo "${green}SUCCESS: $f${reset}"
          echo "${red}FAILED: $f${reset}"
    if (( ${#failures[@]} > 0 )); then
       echo "${red}Puppet-lint validation on the Control Repo has failed in the following manifests:"
       echo -e "\t ${failures[@]}${reset}"
       exit 1
       echo "${green}Puppet-lint validation on the Control Repo has succeeded.${reset}"