Invite a user to become a member

In your role as administrator, you can expand your organization by inviting Puppet Forge users to become members. You can invite as many members as you like.

To protect your organization and its Puppet estate, invite only people whom you know and trust. Remember:
  • If the organization is entitled to premium modules, all members gain access to those modules.

  • Members can view information about other members.

  • Members can view reports to track the history of downloaded modules and see whether the Puppet estate is current.

  • Members with administrator permissions can add and remove members and change member roles.

To invite a user to become a member, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Puppet Forge by clicking Log in at the upper right and following the prompts.

  2. At the upper right, click the down arrow next to your username to display a menu and click the organization to which you want to add members.

  3. Click Members and Invite member.

  4. In the Invite a user dialog box, enter the email address with which the user is registered on Puppet Forge or the username.
    By default, the user will be invited to join as a member.

  5. Optionally, to assign the administrator role to the new member, select Admin.

  6. Click Send invitation.
    At the upper right, a notification confirms that the invitation was sent, and the user’s status is listed as Pending. The user receives an email invitation and a notification in Forge. The user can then accept the invitation by following the instructions in Accept an invitation to become a member.