Enable automatic updates to reflect changes in your Puppet estate

To keep download reports current, you can create an application programming interface (API) key that enables synchronization of your Puppet estate with Puppet Forge. You can enable synchronization for your organization or for your personal Puppet Forge account. Because synchronization is a sensitive operation, multifactor authentication is required as part of the setup procedure.

If you enable synchronization for your organization, the API key is valid for the organization, and individual members will not see the key in their individual Forge profiles.

To enable real-time updates in Forge:

  1. Log in to Puppet Forge by clicking Log in at the upper right and following the prompts.

  2. At the upper right, click the down arrow next to your username to display a menu and take one of the following actions:

    • To synchronize download reporting for an organization, click the organization.

    • To synchronize download reporting for your personal account, click your personal account.

  3. In the left navigation pane under the Forge logo, click API Keys. The Create an API key dialog box opens.

  4. Optionally, in the API Key Description field, add a description. For example, you can write API key for the production environment.

  5. To specify the length of time that the key will be valid, in the Key Validity field, select a value representing the number of days. The maximum time is one year.

  6. Click Create API key.

  7. In the Multifactor authentication dialog box, in the Authentication Code field, enter the secure code sent to the email address associated with your Puppet Forge account.

  8. Click Submit.
    The New API Key dialog box displays the API key.

  9. Copy the API key for future reference.
    The API keys window displays information about the newly created key. For details about how the API key is used, see Puppet Forge: Customize your user experience and track module downloads.